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Mar 2, 2021

“I remembered to breathe, which gave me a second to assess the big picture of my life. It wasn’t pretty. At the time, my day-to-day existence was an exercise in monotony. I had a job with no future, an outlook with no hope and a string of first dates who had no intention of calling me back. My life was this way for myriad reasons, but at the root of my stagnancy was an aversion to risk.”

Brent Stoller shares why you must take the jump despite the risks. Brent Stoller is a remarkably kind individual that has built a platform and community supporting parents grieving pregnancy lost. Brent has created community, art, and purpose from the adversity he faced.

Find Brent Stoller here,

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This is a True Story Podcast is found here,


Scott Davidson is found here,